That’s gratitude for you! Making things worse, it was all with the full support of Clarkson and BFF Isobel. The Dowager will undoubtedly find it disconcerting that the new hospital administration recommends she be tossed onto a barge and pushed out to sea. With the open house a foregone conclusion anyway, Robert is thinking more about the mutiny of the county and the impending wrath of mummy. He excuses himself, and slides down the banister to rush to his Lady Mary shrine to light a candle forthwith.
He would never dare make that kind of joke at M’lady’s expense. What is Carson trying to do, kill him? If he wasn’t before, he might now that Lord Grantham joked about how Lady Mary in the bath would have the open house crowds queuing up. His brother from another mother, Carson, tries to bust him out with a flask. Lord Grantham survived the surgery and is recovering in bed looking like a pale raccoon. Maybe there’s a two-man luge in his future! Hallelujah! Old Grey Mare: Mr. But wait, are there openings on the Olympic team in other sports? Maybe Mary could secure some compensation for poor Thomas. She has found it to be a convenient way to dispose of her dull boys. Mary will have no trouble getting him a spot. Nick Briggs/Carnival Film for MASTERPIECE.This week we learn that Mary, whose exacting standards are rivaled only by Violet and Carson, wants to encourage Edith’s beau, Brancaster Bertie, to compete on England’s Olympic Bore Team. Shown from left to right: Michelle Dockery as Lady Mary and Matthew Goode as Henry Talbot. Prospects are looking up for Mary and Edith.